Fory Cosmetics Erp System

Fory Cosmetics ERP System (FCE) is designed to be suitable for enterprises such as cosmetic chains, drug stores. Fory meets the following business processes and requirements:

– Procurement: Fory supports to make purchase orders, tracking orders.

– Inventory: Fory supports to warehouse goods receiving, transferring, inventory, management, expiry date.

– Sales: Fory supports to sales with bar code scanners, bills printing.

– Online sales: Fory supports to sale through e-commerce websites: purchasing, delivery online.

– Corporate Accounting: Fory supports to cost allocation, warehouse accounting, procurement & sales accounting, and financial reports.

– Connect to Vietnamese National Pharmacy System.

Live demo Pharmacy account

Account: [email protected]

Pass: nhathuoc

Drug store demo login

Live demo Shop account

Account: [email protected]

Pass: taphoa

Shop demo login